Managing Healthcare Cyber Threats and Protecting Patient Data at the Edge

Presented by

Drex DeFord (CrowdStrike), João Bocas (Digital Salutem), Chrissa McFarlane (Patientory, Inc), Steve Lazer (Dell Technologies)

About this talk

It’s impossible to put a value on the trust your patients place in your organization to protect and safely store the data created in the course of caring for the community. Hospitals and health systems have more to lose than organizations in other sectors when it comes to the impact of hacking activities and patient data is highly sought after. As a result, the healthcare industry is hit significantly harder by ransomware than any other sector — 88 percent of attacks hit hospitals. Combined with the dramatic shift to a more mobile healthcare workforce and the advent of 5G, an ever-increasing number of applications will traverse the core, edge, and cloud. One way to deal with this constant cybersecurity threat, is to invest in intrinsically secure infrastructure platforms and devices that enable healthcare organizations to generate, process and securely store vast amounts of data – whether stored on-premises, in the cloud, or with a hybrid strategy. This was the topic of discussion at the Dell Technologies booth during the HIMSS 2022 conference. John Lynn, the Founder of, moderated a session that included the following influencers: - Drex DeFord, Executive Healthcare Strategist, CrowdStrike - João Bocas, Digital Health Influencer & CEO, Digital Salutem - Chrissa McFarlane, CEO and Founder, Patientory, Inc - Steve Lazer, Global Healthcare CTO, Dell Technologies
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