Challenges and Benefits of Integrating Wireless Drivers in UEFI Firmware

Presented by

Hemanth Venkatesh Murthy, Dell

About this talk

Adding new features into UEFI-based platform firmware commonly has challenges due to storage space constraints. Wireless Drivers, which are typically large compared to other UEFI Drivers, have additional challenges due to variants of a particular platform having different chipsets but common BIOS. The session will discuss the solutions that were implemented in Dell BIOS to overcome the challenges and the benefits of integrating the wireless drivers like Firmware-Over-The-Air (FOTA) and OS Recovery.
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Through a collaborative approach with world-class companies, institutions and experts, the UEFI Forum advances innovation in firmware technology standards. These extensible, globally-adopted UEFI specifications bring new functionality and enhanced security to the evolution of devices, firmware and operating systems.