EDK2Code: VSCODE Extension for EDK2

Presented by

Guillermo Palomino Sosa, Intel

About this talk

The EDK2Code Extension is a Visual Studio Code (VSCODE) extension for EDK2 developers missing Integrated Development Environment (IDE)-like features that are present for other popular development frameworks. The extension reads the compiled information or DSC files to provide full context of what has been integrated into the build process. With this information the extension provides the user with a new set of VSCODE commands to navigate through the source code. Some examples of commands are Goto Library definition, Goto INF file, Goto Library implementation, etc. The Extension also provides context and syntax support for EDK2 files and ACPI files. The EDK2Code Extension has been released as an open-source project and is available through the VSCODE marketplace. This webinar will discuss the EDK2Code Extension, including its main commands and functionalities. A demo will also be shown during this presentation to walk through the extension’s capabilities.
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