DevOps and Cloud: Driving Environments On Demand and Optimizing Investments

Presented by

Terry Brennan, Managing Director, Orasi

About this talk

The impact of the business need for faster cycles and increasing flexibility is driving DevOps and Cloud ideas throughout the IT value stream. This has significant meaning for the compute side of the world. We will explore the “Environments on Demand” and how it impacts the IT Value Stream. We will examine key elements of DevOps and cloud that help address the new world and optimize the investment. In this session, we will discuss: 1. Accelerating Change – Driving Forces (eg. Change Drivers, Industry Impact) 2. DevOps and Cloud – The Foundation (eg. Continuous Flow, Pipeline, Cloud Services) 3. Environments on Demand – Key Elements (eg. Infrastructure as Code (IAC), Automation, Integration & Ephemeral) 4. Environments on Demand – Real World Scenarios Presented by: Terry Brennan, Managing Director, Orasi
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Orasi is a DevSecOps innovator enabling the acceleration, security, delivery, and adoption of software applications and cloud infrastructure through automation. Orasi AppSec and OrasiCloud solutions and services offer full lifecycle support and integration to ensure scalability of transformative applications. Also the makers of OrasiLabs, the train anyone anywhere anytime AWS cloud-native virtual eLearning platform, Orasi works with hundreds of global brands as customers and partners, including Fortune 500 companies, across a variety of industries