Data Risk Assessment: Where is your Data, What is Your Risk?

Presented by

Dennis Hurst, Founder and President of Saltworks Security, and Eric Popiel, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist for CyberRes

About this talk

Data Risk Assessment is an integral part of data and application security, which is why Saltworks is partnering with CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, to offer a webinar and free data assessment for selected attendees. To effectively choose AppSec services and solutions, enterprises need to base their decisions on the infrastructure of their system’s data: which data the system contains, how sensitive it is, and where it is located. Because of the enterprise need for measuring data risk, Saltworks has partnered with CyberRes’s Data Risk Assessment services. CyberRes has specifically designed these assessment services to give insight into the spread of sensitive data across entire organizations. Join CyberRes and Orasi/Saltworks for a webinar about Data Risk Assessment services. We will provide a sensitive data discovery assessment (on a limited number of data sources) at no charge to up to 20 interested companies. Reach out to to see if you qualify! Tune in to learn about the following... Business Challenges: • How can we quickly discover, classify and measure risk around our sensitive data? • What should be the priorities for managing risk around sensitive data? • How can we quickly provide an assessment which will lead to further data privacy engagements? Customer Value: • Discover PCI, PII, and PHI data • Classify for better governance • Score data sources for privacy risk • Report and recommend action Now available on demand.
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