Unlock the Power of Real-Time Customer Experiences with MuleSoft
Presented by
Alison Murphy, Legend Corporation | Adam Ward, Salesforce | Simon Goddard, Salesforce
About this talk
Discover the secret to exceptional customer experiences: real-time insights. In this on-Demand webinar, We delve into the success story of Legend Corporation, an Australian group of companies operating within the electrical, electronics, and industrial products sector. Discover how Legend leveraged MuleSoft to drive real-time insights and elevate their customer experiences to new heights.
You will:
- Gain insights into the importance of real-time insights in creating exceptional customer experiences.
- Learn how Legend Corporation successfully implemented MuleSoft to drive real-time data integration.
- Discover the transformative impact of real-time insights on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth.
Salesforce is the #1 AI CRM, helping every company become an AI Enterprise with one trusted platform, Einstein 1. Our best-in-class CRM for sales, service, marketing, and commerce is deeply integrated with trusted AI and unified data, so companies can create stronger customer relationships, increase employee productivity, and deliver higher margins.…