The era of leveraging genomics and transcriptomics has yielded a deeper understanding of the molecular underpinnings of neoplastic transformation and the vulnerabilities within. However, the use of genomics and transcriptomics provides a mere superficial view of the molecular nature of a cell.
Given the wide array of post transcriptional and post translational regulatory processes that govern cellular dynamics, additional omics types (quantitative proteomics, phosphorylation proteomics, epigenomics, metabolomics, etc.) are needed to capture a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular landscape of a tumor. The deep analyses enabled by such a dataset has the power to reveal unimaginable insight around cellular dynamics and improve the prospects of effective precision medicine.
Here, we present a deep dive into an analysis module termed Pharmaco-Pheno-Multi Omic (PPMO®) integration used for novel target and comprehensive biomarker discovery. We will feature:
• Details on the analytic scripts, models, and datasets required for building an efficient PPMO® model
• Case Studies highlighting the power of this multiomic workflow