ScienceDirect Overview and best features

Presented by

Linda Granberg

About this talk

In this demo I will walk you through the most useful features on ScienceDirect, to help you find and read scientific articles in an efficient way. We will cover: How to build and narrow down your search with keywords - and best use for the Advanced search Topics - our fastest growing feature that helps you get acquanited with new subject areas plumX - which articles reaches public opinion and what is being said in media How to find out what others are reading and popular articles in your field Find out more about your favourite authors Let Citations overview show you the next steps in research
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Powerful solutions can provide a comprehensive overview or detailed picture of the world's research output in engineering and technology; the physical, life, social and medical sciences; and the arts and humanities. Here, you can register for upcoming live webinars or access a full range of archived ones to discover how best to use our premier discovery solutions: ScienceDirect and Scopus. ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical and medical research. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Join our experts to learn how their fundamental and advanced features can best serve your needs.