Show Me the $$: In-Game Ad Fraud

Presented by

Ben Fenster, Co-Founder and CPO, Anzu & Kristine Lopez, Product Management Director, HUMAN. Host: Rosemary Cipriano, HUMAN

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Mobile gaming ad revenue is projected to hit more than $7 billion by 2024, according to eMarketer. There’s a lot of opportunity for creativity with in-game advertising. But with all of that opportunity and potential ad revenue, comes fraudsters looking to steal a piece of the pie. In this webinar, we’ll be joined by Ben Fenster, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Anzu to discuss how in-game ad fraud works and how fraudsters make money from this, what can we learn from other environments, such as CTV, and how can advertisers protect themselves. Join to hear: - A deep dive into what in-game ad fraud is - How fraudsters make money from this threat model - How modern defense strategy enables us to protect ad spend
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