Increased demands for transparency, new asset owner expectations and accusations of greenwashing have impacted due diligence, manager selection, and reporting. This webinar will explore key topics including RFP and DDQ design, critical assessment questions for asset owners and methods for verifying and interpreting investment manager responses. The discussion will cover how asset owners and investment managers can develop valuable and mutually beneficial relationships, as well as scenarios where escalation is needed.
Topics covered will include:
• how ESG considerations can be incorporated into Requests for Proposals and Due Diligence Questionnaires, focusing on critical questions for asset owners;
• how asset owner due diligence requirements can differ and where there is potential for alignment;
• how asset owner requirements can be translated into investment management agreements;
• how reporting and data can inform manager engagement and monitoring to align with asset owner objectives; and
• how due diligence and monitoring approaches are maturing across asset classes and sustainability issues.