Effective whistleblowing mechanisms are a key feature of good governance and anti-corruption systems, as well as being reflective of a healthy corporate culture centred on trust and responsiveness. Investors can also use the presence or absence of these mechanisms to assess the efficiency of companies' risk management processes.
This webinar will explore the relevance of whistleblowing for investors and launch the PRI engagement guidance on whistleblowing. The discussion will cover the investor perspective, implications of recent regulatory developments such as the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive, and include perspectives from a former whistleblower.
Jack Poulson, Founder, Tech Inquiry and former whistleblower at Alphabet Inc.
Tim Goodman, Director, EOS at Federated Hermes
Ida Nowers, Law and Policy Coordinator, Whistleblowing International Network
Moderated by: Athanasia Karananou, Head of Corporate Governance, PRI