In 2018, as part of the PRI’s programme on championing climate action, we introduced voluntary climate change indicators in the PRI Reporting Framework, based on the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).
From the 2020 reporting cycle, signatories will for the first time be required to report on the climate change indicators on a mandatory basis. The indicators will not be assessed and signatories can continue to choose whether they wish to disclose their responses.
This webinar will take you through what you need to know in order to prepare for and report on the TCFD-based PRI climate change indicators, including:
•A brief background to the TCFD recommendations and what they mean for signatories.
•An outline of the climate change indicators that will be mandatory to report on.
•How you can use the PRI's Data Portal to learn what actions other signatories have already taken related to climate change.
Edward Baker, Senior Specialist, Climate and Energy Transition (The PRI)
Senita Galijatovic, Head of Reporting and Accountability (The PRI)
Thalia Vounaki, Head of Data Analytics & Insights (The PRI)