Automate software releases with AI-powered Change and Release Governance

Presented by

George Spalding, EVP at Pink Elephant | Ben Sapp, Insights Architect

About this talk

In today’s volatile environment, your customers, partners, and employees are more dependent than ever on your ability to deliver reliable digital services. To rise to the challenge, Change and Release Management leaders must balance competing priorities for speed and reliability. Unfortunately, traditional Change Management processes struggle to balance the need for increased change frequency and shorter lead times with the risk of IT service disruptions. At the same time, Release Management must ensure that the higher volume of deployed changes doesn’t cause unexpected issues. The result is that in the face of increased volatility, organizations often resort to a change freeze. How can AI-powered Change and Release Management improve the quality, availability, and performance of these mission-critical services? Join George Spalding, EVP at Pink Elephant, and Ben Sapp, Insights Architect, to learn about: How Change and Release management processes fit together Bringing together DevOps and IT Service Management to fuel Change and Release Management success Predicting risky changes and identify root causes both upstream and downstream of change with Machine Learning Evolution of Change Advisory Boards from approvals and governance to eliminating systemic causes of change failure across people, processes, and technologies
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