Emerging and Frontier Markets in a post US Presidential elections context

Presented by

Anders Borg, Cecilia Sved, Charles Robertson, Jacob Grapengiesser, Beatrice Bushati

About this talk

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend an inspiring panel on emerging and frontier markets after the US elections, where we will be talking about the big trends that directly impact your portfolios such as the implications of the new US presidency on financial markets, the COVID situation across our investment universe, the economic recovery and key structural trends affecting emerging equity markets. The panel, moderated from Stockholm by Beatrice Bushati, Senior Analyst, East Capital, will bring together four experts and thought leaders with different perspectives: Anders Borg, former Finance minister of Sweden (Stockholm); Cecilia Sved, Strategist, AMF Pension Insurance (Stockholm); Charles Robertson, Global Chief Economist, Renaissance Capital (London); Jacob Grapengiesser, Deputy CIO, East Capital (Moscow).
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