How IT Infrastructure is Evolving the Meet the Needs of Edge Computing

Presented by

Craig Theriac, Director of Product Management, Scale Computing

About this talk

The needs for Edge Computing are growing at a fast pace to support the digital technologies that exist outside of the data center. From retail stores to manufacturing sites to ships at sea, there is more need for onsite digital services than ever before. Join Craig Theriac, Director of Product Management at Scale Computing to discuss how IT infrastructure is evolving to meet the needs of edge computing. In this webinar you will learn: • How smaller computing devices can be better suited both environmentally and financially for edge computing • How ease of deployment, ease of management, and ease of maintenance are key to controlling edge computing costs • How centralized management is essential to keeping a fleet of edge computing infrastructure devices running and secure
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Scale Computing Platform brings simplicity, high availability and scalability together, replacing the existing infrastructure and providing high availability for running VMs in a single, easy-to-manage platform. Run your applications in a fully integrated platform. Regardless of your hardware requirements, the same innovative software and simple user interface give you the power to run infrastructure efficiently at the edge.