Unlocking geospatial data for biodiversity conservation

Presented by

RepRisk | WBCSD | IBAT

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73% of projects in the oil and gas sector are being operated near a Key Biodiversity Area or protected area, putting biodiversity at risk. Decision-makers working and investing in extractive sectors need to address the threat to conservation efforts and ecosystem services. What solutions are available to help them navigate this complex environment? RepRisk and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) teamed up to develop a new solution that examines biodiversity risk by showing a project’s proximity to environmentally sensitive sites, rolling insights up to owner and operator companies to help identify, quantify, and mitigate ESG risks. In this session, experts from RepRisk, IBAT, and World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD) will share how geospatial data can be used to: • Understand nature impacts across business operations and supply chains • Identify and mitigate nature-related financial risks across portfolios • Align strategies with nature-related frameworks including TNFD Speakers: - Anne de Chastonay, Business Analyst, Innovation Hub, RepRisk - Ed Ellis, Business Manager, IBAT - Moderator: Tom Williams, Senior Director, Nature Action & Member of the Extended Leadership Group, WBCSD
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United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a partnership between United Nations Environment and the global financial sector created in the wake of the 1992 Earth Summit with a mission to promote sustainable finance. More than 240 financial institutions, including banks, insurers, and investors, work with UN Environment to understand today’s environmental, social and governance challenges, why they matter to finance, and how to actively participate in addressing them. UNEP FI’s work also includes a strong focus on policy – by facilitating country-level dialogues between finance practitioners, supervisors, regulators and policy-makers, and, at the international level, by promoting financial sector involvement in processes such as the global climate negotiations.