Data and analytics will play a fundamental role in helping companies and financial institutions to identify, manage and report on nature-related risks and opportunities. But which data is publicly available and how to use it?
In this webinar, we present the findings from the recently released report ‘Nature in a Haystack: Leveraging public nature-related data in disclosure frameworks’ which identifies the availability and suitability of publicly available nature-related data to support financial decision-making in five case-study countries, learning from previous work done by the UNDP on how to use publicly available nature data in the interface between the private sector and regulatory frameworks on ESG issues.
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) will also share their approach to data challenges, and present their landscape assessment on data availability. We will then speak with two data providers - MSCI and CDC Biodiversité on what their approaches and solutions are.
Speakers will include:
- Bex Gottlieb, Data Scientist, Digital Transformation, UNEP-WCMC
- James D'Ath, Data and Analytics Technical Lead, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
- Arne Klug, Vice President, ESG Research, MSCI
- Violette Pradère, Project Officer, Global Biodiversity Score for Financial Institutions, CDC Biodiversité
The session will be moderated by Romie Goedicke, Project & Technical Manager, Nature, UNEP FI.