UNEP FI has pioneered work on Positive Impact finance, and TCFD implementation for investors, banks and insurers.
Hear from the leaders at UNEP FI about next steps in SDG finance, as well as in TCFD implementation, and how the bigger picture in sustainable finance is evolving.
A stocktake of SDG Finance
Where are we at with SDG financing? Latest UN reports (HLPF, September 2018) suggest we may not be on track overall with SDGs. UNEP FI & a range of partners believe that results-driven – i.e. impact focused – analysis needs to be consolidated and mainstreamed to meaningfully connect the private and finance sector to the SDG agenda. The Principles for Positive Impact provide a meta-framework with a holistic definition of impact to complement and promote convergence among the growing body of impact-oriented methodologies and standards.
Next steps in TCFD implementation
How can financial institutions better understand, assess, and prepare for climate change, across meteorological, technological, and regulatory domains? How can they do so in a forward-looking, scenario-based manner, that allows them to respond to the FSB TCFD? How are they coalescing and organising on UNEP FI platforms to jointly develop answers? UNEP FI has led several pilot-projects on TCFD implementation, and here, we share the results and outcomes.