As sustainability becomes a bigger priority - both at Government level and in the business world - organisations are coming under greater pressure to reduce their carbon emissions. Those organisations who are taking the steps to be more sustainable often do it in a corporate way, to meet quotas and look better from the outside. But there is much to be gained from being more sustainable, and it goes way beyond outside pressures. For planet or profit? We’re at the stage now where the distinction almost doesn’t matter any more. Sustainability is a critical consideration for organisations of all sizes. So, what’s your next move? Today, organisations have a role to play not only in actions like decent work and economic growth, but in sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, and industry, innovation and infrastructure. Only 6% of all data ever created is in use today. The other 94% is sitting in a vast “cyber landfill,” creating a massive carbon footprint. But what can your organisation do to reap the business rewards, be greener and meet outside pressures? From cloud migration, to extending the life cycle of devices and bringing your own device to work, there is a lot you can do to implement sustainability in your business. Join us in this session as we discuss: - Where the greatest pressure to be sustainable is coming from - The business benefits of moving to more sustainable IT solutions - How to create sustainable change within your organisation