New BT and Cisco research goes beyond the office

Presented by

Experts from BT and Cisco

About this talk

Coronavirus has dramatically changed working lives, and with it the attitudes and methods of collaborating beyond the office. What does this mean for global organisations? We’ve partnered with Cisco to research how businesses can make the most of these changes. Over 800 business executives and 400 IT decision-makers took part and shared their views on the future of collaboration. Interestingly we found: • on average, a person now uses 3.5 collaboration tools (30% using six tools each) • 85% of business executives want a better way of integrating different collaboration tools • three in four IT decision-makers suggest security is more important than user experience Using the findings we’ve identified six priority building blocks which businesses should consider as they transition to a new working environment. Join us on 8 Dec to explore these building blocks. Speakers: Andrew Small, director, digital solutions, BT Dominic Elliott, CTO service provider, Northern Europe, Cisco Dr Nicola Millard, principal innovation partner, BT Ruth Holland, Digital Workplace Marketing lead, BT
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