In the first three episodes of this four-part series, we explored how to create a hybrid workplace strategy, integrate the home office, and reimagine the physical office for the new world of work.
It’s clear that preparing for the hybrid workplace requires an investment into IT infrastructure. Given the current economic circumstances and unpredictability, however, it’s understandable that organizations are worried about financing these investments. They may feel they’re not able to consider any upgrades beyond what’s immediately necessary in the short-term to return to the office.
But there is a way. In the final episode of the series: The New Agile Network: Driving the Hybrid Workplace, we’ll explore how – with a few strategic moves – organizations can leverage current budgets and resources to create a network that deliver short and long-term value.
Steve Brumer - Partner at BH IoT Group
Markus Mayrl - Aruba Portfolio Manager
Catherine Roda - HPEFS Business Development Lead at Aruba
Johna Till Johnson - CEO, Nemertes Research
Register or Watch on Demand all the episodes:
[Ep.1] Defining Your Hybrid Working Strategy
September 2 2021| 11:00 CEST| 12:00 BST
[Ep.2] Integrating the Longer-Term Home Office
September 16 2021| 11:00 CEST| 12:00 BST
[Ep.3] Reimagining the Physical Office and its Connectivity Needs
September 30 2021| 11:00 CEST| 12:00 BST
[Ep.4] Financing the Workplace of Tomorrow
October 14 2021| 11:00 CEST| 12:00 BST