Cloud Analytics in 2022: Challenges, Opportunities, & Best Practices

Presented by

Gowri Selka, Volantsys | Paul Moxon, Denodo | Patrick Diesse, Onbe | Lokesh Kris, Google

About this talk

A key practice powering many organizations’ business intelligence today is data migration and management in the cloud. With big data projected to be worth $77 billion USD by 2023, it’s no surprise that business leaders across categories are eager to tap the scalability and nimbleness of cloud analytics. At the same time, many can struggle to know what strategies, solutions and tools will help them get the most out of their cloud-based data. This episode of The BI Report will present a roadmap to cloud analytics for business intelligence in 2022. From making a smooth migration to implementing cutting-edge analytics solutions, this panel’s discussion will leverage insights from leading experts in the field to give viewers a crash course in the latest and greatest from cloud analytics — no matter where they are in their modernization journey. Areas for discussion include the following: - Common impediments to data migration and how to overcome them - Opportunities for agility and scalability with cloud vs. on-prem - Cloud security concerns to know and leading threat solutions - Best practices when it comes to budgeting cloud architecture plans and choosing the right one for your needs - Customer success stories - And more! This episode is part of The Business Intelligence Report original series with Gowri Selka, President at Volantsys Analytics. We welcome viewer participation and questions during this interactive panel session. Speakers: - Gowri Selka, Data Analytics Strategist & Advisor at Volantsys Analytics - Paul Moxon, SVP of Data Architecture and Chief Evangelist at Denodo - Patrick Diesse, Vice President, Data & Analytics at Onbe - Lokesh Kris, Principal Architect at Google
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En la era de la transformación digital, la cantidad y variedad de fuentes de datos que manejan las empresas crece de forma exponencial cada año. La virtualización de datos es una tecnología crítica para cualquier organización que quiera afrontar los retos actuales de gestión de datos. Se trata de un método de integración bajo demanda, capaz de integrar datos provenientes de cualquier fuente de forma inmediata y sin necesidad de mover físicamente los datos de un lugar a otro ni copiarlos. Así, aumenta la agilidad de la gestión de la información para la toma de decisiones. En este canal, Denodo ofrece contenidos en español dirigidos a aquellos profesionales de IT interesados en conocer estrategias innovadoras de integración y gestión de datos. Hablaremos de tendencias de la industria, opiniones de los analistas y casos de uso (Cloud, Big Data, Analytics, Vista única del cliente, IOT…). Mostraremos experiencias de clientes “data-driven” que ya utilizan esta tecnología para poner los datos a disposición de los usuarios en tiempo real y conseguir así información valiosa para el negocio.