Inside IIoT and Manufacturing: Event Streaming Use Cases in Manufacturing

Presented by

Kai Waehner, Global Technology Advisor

About this talk

The manufacturing industry must process billions of events per day in real-time and ensure consistent and reliable data processing and correlation across machines, sensors and standard software such as MES, ERP, PLM and CRM. Deployments must run in hybrid architectures in factories and across the globe in cloud infrastructures. Mission-critical and secure 24/7 operations on 365 days a year is normality and a key requirement. Join us on September 16 to earn how event streaming with Apache Kafka, Confluent Platform and Confluent Cloud provides a scalable, reliable, and efficient infrastructure to make manufacturing companies more innovative and successful in automotive, aerospace, semiconductors, chemical, food, and other industries. The session will discuss use cases and architectures for various scenarios, including: - 10,000 Feet View – Event Streaming for Industry 4.0 - Track&Trace / Production Control / Plant Logistics - Quality Assurance / Yield Management & Predictive Maintenance - Supply Chain Management - Cybersecurity - Servitization using Digital Twins - Additive Manufacturing - Augmented Reality
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