Digitise Commercial Underwriting To Streamline Workflows

Presented by

Jason Chambers (Aviva) James Proferes (Markel) Juan de Castro (Cytora) Dogan Kaleli (Stere.io)

About this talk

The digitisation of commercial insurance is accelerating, and while progress has been made on many fronts, the time spent on manual administration tasks by front-line underwriters is estimated between 30-40% by McKinsey. The past twelve months of disruption and today’s hardening market have only exacerbated the need for commercial insurers to streamline underwriting operations and remain competitive. But how can insurance workflows be streamlined? Which processes can be automated, and which benefits from underwriters' direct involvement? What does this mean for the C-suite’s ability to actively steer a portfolio? Find out in this upcoming webinar, where you’ll hear from: - Etienne Champion, Chief Underwriting Officer, APAC & Europe, AXA XL - Jason Chambers, Chief Underwriting Officer - SME, Aviva - James Proferes, Global Executive Underwriting Officer, Professional Liability, Markel - Juan de Castro, Chief Operating and Commercial Officer, Cytora - Moderator: Dogan Kaleli, Founder & CEO, Nion Network During the 1-hour webinar you’ll find out how to: - Tackle the gap between underwriting strategy and frontline execution, by identifying the most profitable, valuable, and strategic risks automatically - Relieve underwriters of low-value administrative tasks, to refocus intellectual capital on risk decisions, portfolio steering, and customer experience - Digitise submission intake and stream validated risks directly into the workflows of frontline underwriters, equipped with data and insight to support faster, more effective, decisions - Accelerate organisational growth by empowering underwriters to spend time only on risks that are aligned to strategy, in-appetite, and are winnable This webinar is sponsored by Cytora. By registering you agree to share you information with this organisation.
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