Ed TALKS: SolariGate – Avoiding Supply Chain Burns

Presented by

Ed Adams, Security Innovation | Edna Conway, Microsoft | Octavia Howell, Equifax | Zach Minneker, Security Innovation

About this talk

Edna Conway (Microsoft) & Octavia Howell (Equifax) join us for an exclusive panel on avoiding supply chain burns. Supply chain risk is not going away, especially not software updates that fuels the IT-dependent enterprise. The SolarWinds hack has sowed doubts about the fidelity and security of 3rd-party tech. Despite significant damage, some organizations successfully thwarted the attacks despite using the vulnerable SolarWinds Orion appliance – how did they do it and what can we learn from it. This Ed TALK brings respected cybersecurity and supply chain experts together to discuss what companies that build and use technology can do to protect themselves in this increasingly partner dependent world. Topics include: Knowing your ingredients – SBOMs (software bill of materials) I spy – can we detect or prevent “tainted” software updates Walking the walk – let’s talk effective defense-in-depth, incidence response, network segmentation, and “zero-trust” Avoiding the recency trap – risk rating threats to avoid knee-jerk reactions Robots to the rescue – can AI be the solution to real-time threat intelligence?
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