Mark Leary, IDC's Research Director, recently interviewed Forward Networks clients to compile the
IDC Report, "The Business Value of Forward Networks."
The findings are compelling: The average Forward Networks customer experiences an impressive
$14.2 million in annual benefits. These benefits encompass reduced downtime, heightened
productivity, and additional operational efficiencies.
To put the power Forward Networks can provide your organization into perspective, consider this:
The productivity protected through its utilization is equivalent to over 90 additional full-time
Joino ur SeniorV iceP residento f Producta nd UserE xperienceC, hiaraR egalea, longsideM ark as a
guests peaker,a st hey delvei nto the intricacieso f thesef indings.D iscoverfi rsthandh ow Forward
Networkse nablesy ou to realizes ubstantiafl inanciala dvantages.