[Ep.4] Optimizing Open Source: Reaching Business Resilience, Change & Success

Presented by

Helen Beal | Liam Crilly | Steve Chin | Frederic Desbiens | Frances Coronel

About this talk

It’s no secret that open source technology enables companies to collaborate “around shared needs on a product that none of them could achieve alone”, as OpenSource.org states. No time has this need for collaboration and excellence been more pressing than in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, as businesses get used to operating in a formerly unrecognizable landscape, marks a good time to explore the benefits of open source and how they can be optimized in the during and post-COVID landscapes. Join NGINX for episode four of Fuel Business Growth and Innovation with New Application Delivery Strategies, where open source experts and IT leaders come together to discuss these benefits, and share use cases where these have been illuminated: They’ll discuss: - The business outcomes of increased flexibility that Open Source Software (OSS) offers - The lower IT costs that open source can lead to - The benefits of increased security through collaborative source code - How OSS leads to faster time to market and shortened product development timelines - The benefits of being part of the open source community - including support, documentation and shared commitment to future software improvements - And more Hosted by Helen Beal, Chief Ambassador, DevOps Institute Guests: - Liam Crilly - Sr. Director, Product Management at NGINX - Frances Coronel - Software Engineer at Slack - Frederic Desbiens - Program Manager, IoT and Edge Computing at Eclipse Foundation - Steve Chin - VP of Developer Relations at JFrog
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