EPP/EDR Tools Don't Work

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Wait, what? You’re telling me my EPP/EDR tools don’t work? What are you talking about? They do work … but for your end points only. But too many people are sticking them on their servers and expecting the same results, and that’s a critical mistake! That’s like putting diesel fuel into a Ferrari and expecting it to win a race. Sure, it’s gas and technically it will power a vehicle, but everyone knows that diesel fuel is made for a diesel engine – and it will ruin a sportscar’s engine! It’s the same thing with security – you’ve got to use the right tools for the job. End point protection is designed to protect your end points – and that’s it. Using probabilistic methodologies that “guess” the efficacy of an attack increases latency time and only attempts to contain attacks and not prevent them. And they are not capable of stopping a runtime vulnerability exploitation. Effective server workload protection requires a different approach altogether. Your security solution needs to ensure memory and runtime vulnerability protection, application control and system integrity assurance engineered using deterministic techniques to detect evasive attacks at the process, file, OS and memory levels of your systems. Learn how deploying the right tools for the job will guarantee your server security performs like a Ferrari, not a dump truck.
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