Webinar: Storage - Cloud vs. on-prem

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Storage is a hot topic in the cloud versus on-prem debate. Content owners want to have control over their IP and to open up workflows in their content supply chain to maximise flexibility. Cloud storage is the solution for many media operations, maximising access and flexibility. But others are wary of unexpected costs and prefer to keep content in their own facilities, or are opting for hybrid deployment. In this webinar, we will discuss the fundamentals of an integrated storage strategy from production to distribution, and how to balance the capabilities and economics of cloud and on-prem options, including: • Different storage tiers (from high-availability disk and SSD to cloud object storage to deep archive) • How content owners are modernising their storage deployments • Integration with content supply chain and media asset management workflows • Effective strategies for cost management • The role of the cloud and integration with on-premise solutions • How to identify the right technology and partners.
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