Chief Risk Officer: Security's Next Leader

Presented by

Nico Fischbach, Global CTO, Forcepoint; Keith Baxter, CIO, Anthony Nicholas Group; Alejandro Becerra, Group CISO, Telefonica

About this talk

One of the few success stories of 2020 was the cementing of security as a key business function. CISOs and their teams worked intensely to both secure the business as its teams went remote overnight and strategically thereafter to keep a now disparate workforce protected. If there was a trend emerging of security having more visibility at board-level, COVID-19 accelerated it. Does that then also mean a new seat at the table for a Chief Risk Officer? Emma Sinden moderated a debate to answer that very question as Keith Baxter, CIO, Anthony Nicholas Group; Alejandro Becerra, Group CISO, Telefonica; Nico Fischbach, Global CTO, Forcepoint; and Brian Brackenborough, CISO, Channel 4, pondered on who would be the right person to manage risk, IT and security in the future.
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