DBRS Morningstar invites you to attend a webinar tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. BST/3:30 p.m. CEST/9:30 a.m.
EDT. The webinar will be hosted by Mudasar Chaudhry, Head of European Structured Finance Research.
Chaudhry will be joined by Ketan Thaker, Head of European RMBS and Covered Bonds, and Paulo Conti,
Head of European ABS.
In this webinar, we will offer our observations on how the current bout of high inflation, driven by high
energy prices and rising interest rates, are affecting European consumers. We will also discuss how rising
interest rates may have a varied impact on different European jurisdictions as well as how cost-of-living
crises may seep into European securitisation portfolios and affect other asset classes.
The discussion will last approximately 30 minutes and will be followed by an interactive question-andanswer session. DBRS Morningstar welcomes all who wish to participate.