Your company will lose to ransomware (statistically).
How will you get services back on-line? How do you get users back to work? Back-ups and DR won’t cut it. They will be victimized by APTs (advanced persistent threats) that spread ransomware and lock the data.
You need a secure vault that guarantees you have instant access to ‘third copies’ of clean data. Plus, you’ll need a mechanism to quickly move the data back into production and put users back to work. The gold standard is Dell Technologies PowerProtect Cyber Recovery with CyberSense and Unisys Stealth.
However, ransomware recovery is not just plug-and-play. It requires budget, systems, expertise, automation, and teamwork – and time to make it operational.
Join us for an informative review of Cyber Recovery that includes the systems and workflows. We’ll explain how to get your operations operating – and your workers working.
David Finley, Director, Information Assurance & Security, Data Protection Division, Dell EMC
David is a Director at DellEMC for the CyberSecurity and Compliance practice within the Data Protection Solutions Division. In working with the security divisions of Dell Technologies and local/national law enforcement agencies like the FBI and Charter groups of Infragard, David helps customers to better understand and improve their practices related to cybersecurity and compliance.
Andrew Peters, Security Industry Director, Unisys Corporation
Andrew’s 25+ year background in cyber security extends to the U.S. Air Force Information Warfare Center team that created the first commercial intrusion detection technology at WheelGroup and helped turn it into a security staple during his tenure at Cisco Systems. Andrew has experience in networking and security technologies in multiple industries and applications.