RMB Investors Forum: Connects emerge as turning point for China access

Presented by

Paolo Danese, editor of GlobalRMB, Euromoney

About this talk

This discussion will cover the following topics: •What are the latest developments on China market access since the launch of Bond Connect? •How has market sentiment towards China evolved with broadening access? •Fifteen years after QFII launch, why did the Stock Connect and Bond Connect manage to trigger such enthusiasm among global investors? •How are investors moving from understanding China access to their first allocations? What have been the challenges? How significant is the knowledge gap still? •How will HKEX continue to build on the Mutual Market Access strategy? •MSCI opened the way with A-shares inclusion, but what will the prospects for further index inclusions mean for RMB assets’ appeal? What access issues remain unaddressed? •What further reforms are needed to encourage foreign investors to increase allocations to the mainland market? What asset classes remain on the wish list? Speakers include: •James O’Sullivan, Head of Securities Services, HK, Standard Chartered •Tae Yoo, Managing Director, Global Client Development Market Development Division, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. (HKEX)
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