Workforce Identity Maturity: Top 3 Tactics to meet your goals

Presented by

Alexandria Hodgson - Sr. Product Marketing Manager from Okta | Adam DeMattia - Senior Director, Custom Research at ESG

About this talk

Individuals responsible for Identity management today are caught in a whirlwind: the number of identities to manage is growing , hybrid work is here to stay, and there are an increasing number of cloud services employees need access to. Organizations aligned to Identity management best practices cite an increased organizational agility, greater employee productivity, and a strengthened cybersecurity posture as a result. Given this success, what can we learn from these identity security leaders in how they achieve their results? Experts from Enterprise Strategy Group and Okta sit down to examine 3 tactics to improve your workforce Identity management maturity (based on leaders’ previous successes) and which are >6x as likely to report a positive ROI from their Identity solution investments.
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