Spring on Kubernetes

Presented by

Ryan Baxter, Sr. Member Technical Staff, VMware

About this talk

Spring has always encouraged developers to leverage the technologies that best solves their business use cases. Kubernetes is emerging as a very popular platform for running cloud native applications, and Spring makes it quite easy to take advantage of all it has to offer in order to run your applications on this powerful platform. This year at our Spring One Tour events, we are holding an entire three hour workshop on this very topic. In this webinar, we are going to not only preview the workshop, but leave you with the knowledge to get started running Spring apps on Kubernetes. By the time the webinar is over you will have the opportunity and the knowledge to work through the workshop yourself and get started running Spring apps on Kubernetes.
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Microservices, containers, and Kubernetes help to free apps from infrastructure, enabling them to work independently and run anywhere. With VMware Tanzu, you can make the most of these cloud native patterns, automate the delivery of containerized workloads, and proactively manage apps in production. It’s all about freeing developers to do their thing: build great apps.