A live sneak peek into Greenplum 7’s new analytics capabilities

Presented by

Bernard Royet, Ruxue Zeng, & Chaima Berrachdi, Data Solutions Engineers, Data Engineer

About this talk

As the global data volume skyrockets to 175 zettabytes by 2025, businesses face a crucial question: How can they effectively harness this data, extract valuable insights and open the door for innovation? Enter Greenplum, an advanced analytics platform designed to help organizations stay relevant in the ever-changing data landscape. Greenplum 7 introduces new features and enhancements including vector embedding support, enhanced data federation , performance and security improvements. Attendees will get a sneak peak into the latest advances in Greenplum analytics capabilities. With version 7, Greenplum , the only OSS, enterprise ready, infrastructure agnostic MPP PostgreSQL, emerges as a leader in the Gen AI landscape.
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