Winning RFPs Against The Odds

Presented by

Phillip Kreindler, The Winning Complex Sales Expert

About this talk

The amount of effort required to win or lose an RFP is more or less the same. Both have increased significantly as customers need to justify their decision by comparing alternatives. In a large deal you could easily invest 25-30 days of selling time, so it is crucial to get out as early as possible or win. Get out as early as possible… Most companies have a robust set of opportunity qualification criteria to justify the resource investment before pursuing an RFP. It is perfectly legitimate to ask the customer to discuss your qualification criteria and to disengage if the answers prove the deal is not a good fit. …or win Once you have decided to pursue an opportunity, how do you know that your sales process is good enough to win? In our experience, you must do 5 things you have never done before. You will learn: How to avoid wasting resources on “dead horses” How to gain control of the sales process How bid management helps you win How to execute game changers in RFPs How to build winning proposals and pitches How to achieve an RFP win rate of +50% How to learn from wins and losses
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