Unlock simplicity in backup recovery with Cloud Instant Backup Recovery. Join Troy Lijedahl, Backblaze and Greg Tellone, from Cloud IBR, and Marty Williams, Veeam, for a practical and technical BRaaS webinar.
You will receive an easy-to-implement Backup Recovery as a Service (BRaaS) playbook for cyber resilience and learn ransomware recovery tactics tailored for anyone who needs a simple and cost-effective disaster recovery solution to reduce RTOs from weeks to hours.
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Cloud IBR - Cloud IBR
Cloud Instant Backup Recovery A simple, cost-effective, and fully-automated Disaster Recovery SaaS platform for your Veeam backups stored in Backblaze B2 with on-demand, automation-driven Bare Metal Cloud server and storage infrastructure. The easy-to-use interface and affordability … Read More at