ESG TALKS - The climate series: Climate risk in equity valuation

Presented by

Michael Lewis, Virginie Galas, Francesco Curto

About this talk

ESG TALKS webinar - The Climate Series: Climate risk in equity valuation Please join DWS's ESG TALKS webinar series where Michael Lewis, Head of Research ESG will discuss current issues impacting responsible and sustainable investing. On Thursday 7 July at 10:30 am CEST, Michael will be joined by DWS colleagues Virginie Galas and Francesco Curto for the third ESG Talks dedicated to understanding and setting Net Zero investment goals. The panel will provide an update on climate transition risk from an equity perspective with a specific focus on corporate capex. The panel will also examine the risks and opportunities associated with rising carbon prices on equity valuations and trends in investor engagement. Agenda - Sector assessment of climate transition risk - Sensitivities to carbon pricing - Trends in investor engagement - Speakers - Virginie Galas, Head of Research Equities, DWS - Francesco Curto, Global Head of Research, DWS - Michael Lewis, Head of Research ESG, DWS
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