To secure the future of the world for generations to come, a shift to a greener economy is urgently needed. The EU has already set the path by pledging to achieve a net zero economy by 2050. All policy tools and regulations are being adapted to achieve this goal, including sustainable-finance regulation and disclosure requirements. These measures will lead to a green industrialization which represents the greatest economic and social transformation in 150 years.
We are delighted to invite you to a joint webinar between DWS and Eurosif with guest speakers from Generali, to cover the following questions:
• What role can finance play in shifting towards a more sustainable economic model?
• How can investors achieve real-world impact through the companies in which they invest whilst generating alpha returns for their clients?
• And how can asset owners influence capital allocation and send market signals to favor responsible investments?
Our speakers:
- Victor van Hoorn, Executive Director at Eurosif
- Alessandro Musto, Head of ESG Integration & Solutions at Generali Insurance Asset Management
- Xhois Hatibi, ESG Specialist & Impact investing at Generali Insurance Asset Management
- Antoniorosario Lovasco, Portfolio Manager Fenice 190 at Generali Insurance Asset Management
- Yoshiko Saito, Senior Product Specialist at DWS
- Alexia Giugni, Moderator, Country Head Italy at DWS
The webinar will run for 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.
We look forward to your participation.