利用大数据实现积极且具有高度关联性的安全防御Using Big Data For Active And Contextual Security

Presented by

周德振(Adam), 高级解决方案顾问, Akamai Technologies

About this talk

*This webinar will be conducted in Mandarin Organizations are turning to leverage big data and analytics to ‘look’ for indicators of intent or indicators of compromise, thus helping organizations focus their security resources on the threats at hand. The challenge though is how to process the vast amount of data, and furthermore, keep it relevant, timely, actionable – contextual. The challenge becomes harder when threat actors utilize a variety of techniques to maintain anonymity, reduce their ‘fingerprint’ and mask their intent. In this webinar, Adam will share how Akamai leverages the vast amount of data that it sees daily to help its customers improve their security decisions, when the threat would otherwise be unclear. John will showcase how Akamai’s big data and analytics platform, Cloud Security Intelligence, powers its Client Reputation service. A service that provides the ability to forecast intent and protect applications against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and application layer attacks, and how active defence can be applied to a variety of response mechanisms, delivering an intelligent contextually aware defence. 各家机构正越来越倾向于使用大数据资源来“查找”各种恶意行为的迹象、甚至是破坏的先兆,来帮助机构把有限的安全资源集中在关注现有的威胁之上。但是,挑战在于如何处理这样大量的数据,而且保证数据的相关性、及时性和可用性不会受到影响。而且,随着安全威胁使用了更多样的技术来保证其匿名性、减少留痕并掩盖其意图,机构所面临的安全挑战也越来越严峻。 在本次的网络研讨会中,Akamai 高级解决方案顾问-周德振先生(Adam),将会向您展示Akamai是如何在威胁尙不明确的情况下,使用每日承载的海量数据来帮助客户做出更加明智的网络安全决策的。Adam将会展示Akamai的大数据及分析平台、云安全智能是如何强化其客户端信誉(Client Reputation)服务。这种服务能够提前预告各种行为的迹象,并保护应用程序不会受到DDoS和应用层攻击。此外,您还将看到这种积极的安全防御是如何帮助各种响应机制,是如何交付智能化、高度关联的防御。 8月24日(周三)| 时长60分钟 | 北京时间 14:00 演讲人: 周德振(Adam), 高级解决方案顾问, Akamai Technologies 主持人: 毛宇, CISSP, AMBCI, CCNP, PRINCE2, (ISC)²官方授权讲师 预留席位,就在此刻! *This webinar will be conducted in Mandarin
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