Decision Traps that Derail Teams and Make Things Messy

Presented by

Deb Calvert, People First Productivity Solutions

About this talk

Decisions made in haste create a lot of waste. You can reduce waste, mistakes, rework, resistance to change, and unproductive conflict by avoiding common traps that result in poor decisions. By improving your shared decision-making, you'll improve outcomes and morale for your team. Learn about the dangers of GroupThink, Confirmation Bias, Overconfidence, Sunk-Cost Analysis, Anchoring and Framing Fallacies, Fundamental Attribution Errors, and other common ways teams get derailed when it comes to effective decision-making. You'll learn how to: - Spot common decision traps before falling into them - Share decision-making that engages all members of a team - Use simple processes for effective decision-making - Examine and affirm decisions before hastily proceeding down a wrong path This presentation is for leaders at every level and team members who want to do things right the first time.
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