Unleashing Your Own (and Others') Full Potential

Presented by

Deb Calvert, People First Productivity Solutions

About this talk

ENTELECHY: Realizing the potential, drawing forth of full potential. Inside most organizations, top performers are referred to as "high potential." Labeling folks, though, isn't enough. It's important to accurately identify and then nurture potential to bring the best out of everyone in an organization, including yourself. But how? In this presentation, you'll discover ways to: - Confidently recognize and develop your own potential (without seeming arrogant!) - Advocate for resources to get learning, coaching, or other support for developing your potential - Help others self-discover and unleash their own full potential - Enrich your organization with ennobled, engaged employees who will stick around longer Tapping into your own and others' potential need not be expensive, time-consuming, or overly process-based. It starts with a simple desire to be your best and to avoid minimizing or overlooking what you have to offer.
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