Using Your Voice to Advocate for Your Ideas

Presented by

Deb Calvert, People First Productivity Solutions

About this talk

You have ideas. You have a unique point of view. And you have a right to -- even an obligation to -- express your ideas and POV in the workplace. But how? This live video presentations is for anyone who's ever felt silenced, minimized, sidelined, marginalized, or afraid to speak up. (And isn't that all of us!?) We'll discuss: - What causes us to hold back - The unrealized cost of not expressing your own opinion - Why teams benefit when diverse perspectives are actively solicited - Starter steps for finding and using your voice more often - What to do if you're more introverted and want to process your thoughts before speaking up This presentation is for leaders at every level. Whether you are an emerging leader, still working to establish your "place" in the organization or a seasoned executive who is ready to unleash even more of your full potential, tune in for an emboldening messages that will change the way you look at self-expression.
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