Emmi Midyear Update: Redefining the standard for patient partnership

Presented by

Evan Heigert, Creative Director Patient Engagement

About this talk

Our singular vision at Emmi is to empower better partnerships between care teams and their patients and members. To bring this vision to life, we’re collaborating with partners, exploring new technologies, and testing ways to deliver our impactful content—all to support better outcomes. Please join us as we discuss our progress on this vision so far in 2023. We’ll cover exciting new tools and features and ways you can join us in this pursuit of innovation. “Emmi Update: Redefining the standard for patient partnership” will cover: • Content strategy and upcoming program releases • Product strategy and upcoming releases • Early adopter highlights Learn about developments and trends in patient education and how Emmi’s AI-driven solutions are driving next-generation, digitally enabled patient engagement.
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