Philips Wellcentive, a SaaS health management and data analytics company, relies on a nightly Mapreduce job to process and analyze data for their entire patient population; from birth to current day. It looks at their entire patient population to assess a number of different characteristics and powers the analytics that physician organizations need to deliver better services. When this job began to fail repeatedly, the Hadoop team spent months trying to identify the root cause using existing monitoring tools, but were unable to come up with an explanation for the job failures and slowdowns.
Join our webinar to hear more about why existing Hadoop monitoring tools were insufficient to diagnose the root cause of Philips Wellcentive’s problems and how Pepperdata helped them to significantly improve their Big Data operations. The webinar will cover the different approaches that Philips Wellcentive took to rectify their missed SLAs, and how Pepperdata ultimately helped them quickly troubleshoot their performance problems and ensure their jobs complete on time.