Introduction to the exciting world of 3GPP SA5 – “management, orchestration and charging” standardization – Part 2: Charging
• Introduction to SA5, how we work and our scope of standardization within 3GPP (recap. from Webinar Part 1)
• An introduction to WG SA5 work on Charging
• Charging specifics
o Overview of Charging SBI architecture
o Presentation of Network Slicing as the driver for the Charging evolution
In part 1 of the 3GPP SA5 webinar – we had an overview of 5G network service management and orchestration, with a deeper dive into Autonomous Networks work in SA5. This part of the webinar will cover the progress being made on several charging work items, with the extension of Charging management into Network Slicing (NS), bringing in NS lifecycle management and NS Performance and Analytics. We will discuss how these solutions rely on a new Charging Enabler Function (CEF) which consumes services exposed by Management Service (MnS) Producer and Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF), interacting with the new charging function (CHF).