Join Emilio Davila (EC/DG Connect), Jochen Friedrich (chair of the ICT RP Task Force), Nick Sampson (ETSI OCG Chair) and David Boswarthick (ETSI Director NET), to get a clear understanding of the EC Rolling Plan for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that is released annually by the European Commission (EC) with the support of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP).
The ETSI webinar will provide:
• Understanding of the strategic importance and overall purpose of the annual EC ICT Rolling Plan for ICT standardization,
• A clear overview of how the annual update and maintenance cycles are managed,
• A preview of the potential new EC policy areas and corresponding actions for 2022 and beyond,
• Clear pointers for the ETSI community on how to best use the Rolling Plan and ensure the activities of all relevant ETSI TBs/ISGs and Partnership projects are visible
• Some tips and tricks to TB/ISG/IPP Official on ‘how to contribute’
• .. and much more