ETSI Security Week: 5G security for verticals

Presented by

Stefan Schroeder, Moderator, Ian Oliver, Rong Wu, Haitham Cruickshank

About this talk

The best-known security features of a 5G network ensure secure operation of a public network: strong subscriber authentication, protection against fraud and eavesdropping, secure billing, robust services etc. Security addresses the typical trust relation between network operators and their customers. 5G applications and deployments in vertical industries have complementary security requirements and different multi-party trust models that need to be addressed in addition, often on top of the 5G network. Moreover, the 5G deployment models may be different from the usual public mobile network, ranging from non-public campus networks in factories, over specific network slices for safety-critical applications like healthcare or railways, up to global V2X networks for transport applications. The EU Toolbox of risk mitigating measures for 5G explicitly mentions the need to address the risk of exploitation of IoT, handsets or smart devices - i.e. the verticals' domain- in addition to the need to secure the network.
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