Forward-looking businesses are increasingly recognising the vital importance of an equally forward-looking learning strategy. It’s no longer a luxury; L&D is rapidly being recognised as a major driver that can boost engagement, staff retention, and business results.
This is certainly the case for Kitchen and homeware business Lakeland, who wanted to bring their whole business together in one space and help drive communication between their teams . After adopting Fuse’s mobile-first Integrated Learning Platform, Lakeland saw their engagement rate soar to 75.8%.
This major shift from creating resources instead of courses has been a winning strategy for Lakeland. But how did they do it?
That’s just what they’ll be sharing. In this webinar, you’ll learn:
• How Lakeland have brought their community and people together by opening up communications
• Their sharing of best practices – how a great idea in one store is shared quickly across their retail network to maximise opportunities for increasing sales
• The power and value of user-generated content from Lakeland’s own passionate experts
• How better product knowledge and content lets Lakeland sell products through stories rather than features
In fact, webinar is probably the wrong term for this – in reality, this will be a live interactive case study about how Lakeland are working to deliver real behavioural changes and break down the barriers to digital adoption. Their employees had always wanted to share knowledge; now they can and do.